For ages friends have told me that I should start writing. Other than the occasional annual holiday letter or a surprise 50th birthday tribute, I admit I’ve not done nearly as much writing as I know I should. So after years and years of annoying, relentless, “you’ll regret not having ever done this when you look back on your life” pain-in-the-ass nagging (author’s note to self: Be sure to change the preceding to “supportive encouragement” before you publish – Do NOT forget!) from my wife, I decided to finally try my hand at blogging.
And all I have to say is what took me so long!! This blogging thing is a SNAP. You do not need to have five years of html programming experience or be an expert in RSS feeds, tagging, and php. And you don’t need to know about plug-ins, widgets or feed burners. You don’t need to understand the meaning of .css style sheets or header-footer dpi upload specifications. You don’t need to know ANY of that stuff -unless you want to have a blog site, that is. Then, yeah, it’s a pretty good idea to know what some of this stuff actually means.
And boy was it simple, too. Just for a chuckle, how quickly can you spot the obvious error in this html code sequence below?
<div id=”header”>
<div id=”headerimg”>
<a href=”<?php echo get_option(‘home’); ?>”>
<?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?></a>
<?php bloginfo(‘description’); #>
Well if you guessed that the # symbol in the sequence <?php bloginfo(‘description’); #> should have been a “?” instead, you would have been absolutely right. It’s just that simple. Why was I so afraid? Beats me. It only took me 78 futile attempts on my own along with 15 phone calls to the web hosting support help desk (they were starting to know me by first name) to figure out how to upload my new home page header image in place of the lovely “Suzy Sunshine” sunflowers clip art that came with the page template. And here is the secret: beg, whine and plead to have the tech support person do it for you.
Well, before my baptism by html experience creating a blog site, I could not tell you the difference between a PHP code tag and an html tag, or the difference between a pingback and a trackback. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I still can’t tell the difference, but at least I now know how to spell them.
So, after just 17 hours of trying in vain to figure out what I was doing, I think I have a vague clue of how to set up a blog site and add new posts. And I did this all without bringing down a single computer network to its knees nor throwing any of our cats out the window in utter frustration.
I guess what I am saying is this: If you don’t have enough pound-your-fist-through-the-wall frustration in your life, and if your self-confidence about your computer literacy is higher than you feel it truly should be, I encourage you to create a blog site. Creating a blog site is as easy as counting to ten…. if you were a Labrador Retriever, that is.
That’s the view from the bleachers. Perhaps I’m off base.
© Tim Jones, View from the Bleachers 2009
…..”pain-in-the-ass nagging” — who, me?
Put a smile on my face…write on! I like your humor bits too.
Wow, Tim, that #> stood out like a poke in the eye! How could you miss that?
Funny piece.
Well, you certainly have oodles of faith in the the supoprt folks. For the past nine months I’ve been trying to get my email archive to work properly with the “help” of tech support. Each time they’d use Netmeeting and “fix” it. Only to alter the problem in some intractible way. Finally, before dropping my desktop computer from the top of our office building in frustration, I had an offer from a tech support person to come to my office in person (imagine that!) and look things over. Lo and behold the problem was an unintended additional space in an archive file name. It was a flashback to my frustrating PL1 course in college. But it took a half dozen tech support experts to find.
Good luck with your blog. Beware of errant spaces.
I like the code. I like the photo. I like the premier topic. I like the sign off: off base. I think you definitely hit at least a single, which is excellent. I think you should apologize to Michele for implying that she was nass-agging you.
This is how “Julie” got started …. I love it Tim. I’m one of those who always thought you SHOULD write…
Umm, Tim? Shouldn’t it be “View from the Parking Lot,” or perhaps “View from the Traffic Jam on the way to the Ballpark?”
Just a suggestion…
Regardless of the title, I’m glad you got into this. I’ve waited all these years for the opportunity to heckle you, long distance! Best of luck!