Exciting news from Match.com, the world’s largest online match-making service. Since our launch in 1995, our goal has been to help men and women find their perfect someone. To date we have found matches for several million people – and successful matches for over 50 of them.

But why should humans be the only ones supported in finding their soulmates? That’s why we are proud to announce our newest service: CatMatch.com, the first online matchmaking service for cats. No longer will your favorite feline need to prowl the alley for a suitable mate. Check out some of our hottest kitties and subscribe your cat today. Who knows? Perhaps the kitten she’ll be smitten by is just a mouse click away.

Catmatch - DustyDusty7045 – 11-year old female, Portland, OR

Seeking male kitty for spooning on couch and cleaning fur 


Relationship: Single – one owner.                    

Body type: Furry, light shedder – mostly on my master’s pillow.

Have kids? Yes, four, but they all disappeared at 8 weeks and I have no idea where they went.

Litter box trained? Absolutely! (But sometimes I forget when I’m tired.)

Favorite hobbies: Chasing red laser pointers, licking myself in my privates.       

Favorite food: Ants, dust, rubber bands – pretty much anything I find on the kitchen floor. Oh, and my own vomit. But no one else’s – that would be gross! 

More about me: If you like curling up on the bed for 18 – 20 hours a day, I may be just your girl. But don’t ask me to go outside. It looks terrifying out there.

Catmatch - GizmoGizmo2996
– 8-
year old male,  El Paso, TX

Seeking submissive female who won’t bug me 


Relationship: Single – one owner but I just ignore him.

Body type: Rock hard abs. If you don’t believe me, just test me.

Have kids? Probably. Who knows? Who cares? Once the dirty deed is done, it’s not my problem, you know what I’m sayin’? 

Litter box trained? Nope. Nobody tells me where I can and can’t take a piss. I make my own rules, honey.

Favorite hobbies: Beating the crap out of any neighborhood cat that dares to step foot on my yard.      

Favorite food: Steak, pizza, pretty much anything I find on my owner’s dinner plate after he passes out in a drunken stupor. And the occasional mouse head. 

More about me: Neutered? Do I look like I’m neutered? If you’re looking for a kitty to curl up next to you, I suggest you hit on Dusty up above. But if you’re willing to leave me alone and bring me a dead mouse now and then, I might  let you hang out.

Catmatch - PrincessPrincessFuzzyFace984 – 6-year old female, Cherry Hill, NJ

Seeking male kitty willing to pamper me 


Relationship: It’s complicated. Nobody dares call themselves my “owner.

Body type: Just look at my fur coat. If you guessed Armani, you’re right.

Have kids? Are you kidding? With a body like mine, who has time for kids?

Litter box trained? I am shocked you even ask. Where are your manners?

Favorite hobbies: Being patted on my tummy, my chin, and behind my ears. Oh, and coughing up furballs after I preen.

Favorite food: Anything from the gourmet food aisle. Only fresh tuna or steak tartare pour moi. 

More about me: I am used to the finer things in life. My own bed, my own chaise lounge for sunning on the deck. I wear a bejeweled collar. But I refuse to let anyone dress me up in a ladybug costume.

Catmatch - ZeusZeus6798 – 16-year old male, Sioux Falls, SD

Seeking a remote control and a beer 


Relationship: Single – one owner but we have an agreement – you don’t bother me; I won’t bother you.

Body type: Not really sure since I can’t see past my belly. Does that make me fat? Yeah, I’m guessin’ I’m fat. Big deal.

Have kids? Probably somewhere. But that was a long time ago. And I don’t have opposable thumbs so it’s not like I can write them to ask how they’re doing.

Litter box trained? If it’s placed within a foot of wherever I’m resting, then I’ll give it a shot. Otherwise, nah, not really.

Favorite hobbies: See the picture? I’m doing it. Pretty much a one-trick pony, I’m afraid.            

Favorite food: Not really too picky, just so long as I don’t have to hunt for my meal. Look at this body – it hasn’t hunted since Friends was on the tube. 

More about me: I’m not what you would call the adventurous type. Just put me in front of a large screen, turn on any channel, and I’m good. I really like that Fish Tank channel. Could watch that for days. 

Catmatch - CupcakeCupcake1573 – 12-week old old female, Akron, OH

Seeking kitty in the mirror to be my playmate. He’s so funny. 


Relationship: That’s a big, fancy word. What does it mean?      

Body type: Adorable. At least that’s what my master tells me.

Have kids? Aren’t I too little to have kittens of my own?

Litter box trained? Not yet, but I’m working on it. My owner keeps spraying me in the face whenever I make a poopy in the living room.

Favorite hobbies: Chasing my tail, getting stuck in funny places like the bathroom sink, and falling asleep in adorably cute positions.

Favorite food: Buttons, gum, tape, shoelaces, dirt, or anything shiny. 

More about me: I like to play and play all day long. I wonder what happens if I tip over that vase? Um, a little help please outta this waste basket. I think I’m stuck. Oops. I just spit up a plant. I wonder if I can get inside this shoe. Where did that kitty in the mirror go? zzzzzzzzzz


Some pretty exciting kitties looking for a special someone to nuzzle up next to. So what are you waiting for? Subscribe to CatMatch.com today and find your PURR-fect match.

Coming in summer 2015: Match.com – Bovine Edition. 

That’s the view from the bleachers. Perhaps I’m off base.

Tim Jones - Profile at Safeco - TinyPS:  If you enjoyed this week’s post, please let me know by sharing it on Facebook, posting a comment or giving it a Like.  

© Tim Jones, View from the Bleachers 2015